Sunday, November 20, 2016

Do vs. Make - Do và Make

Do and Make are two verbs which frequently confuse students. Here we will learn about the difference between Do and Make and when to use each one.

When do you use DO?

DO is used as follows:

1. DO is used when talking about work, jobs or tasks. Note, they do not produce any physical object.

Have you done your homework?
I have guests visiting tonight so I should start doing the housework now.
I wouldn't like to do that job.

2. DO is used when we refer to activities in general without being specific. In these cases, we normally use words like thing, something, nothing, anything, everything etc.

Hurry up! I've got things to do!
Don't just stand there – do something!
Is there anything I can do to help you?

3. We sometimes use DO to replace a verb when the meaning is clear or obvious. This is more common in informal spoken English:

Do I need to do my hair? (do = brush or comb)
Have you done the dishes yet? (done = washed)
I'll do the kitchen if you do the lawns (do = clean, do = mow)
Remember Do can also be as an auxiliary verb (for making questions in the present tense - Do you like chocolate?) For more about Do used in this case, see our page about Do vs Does. Here we will be talking about Do as a normal verb.

When do you use MAKE?
Make is for producing, constructing, creating or building something new.

It is also used to indicate the origin of a product or the materials that are used to make something.
His wedding ring is made of gold.
The house was made of adobe.
Wine is made from grapes.
The watches were made in Switzerland

We also use Make for producing an action or reaction:
Onions make your eyes water.
You make me happy.
It’s not my fault. My brother made me do it!

You make after certain nouns about plans and decisions:
make the arrangements,
make a choice

We use Make with nouns about speaking and certain sounds:
make a comment
make a noise
make a speech

We use Make with Food, Drink and Meals:
make a cake
make a cup of tea
make dinner

Compare Do and Make
A: You have to make a cake for Simon.

B: I’ll do it later.

Notice how in the response the verb DO is used. This is because the meaning is clear and to avoid saying “I’ll make it later.” which could sound repetitive.

Do vs. Make Comparison Chart

The difference between Do vs Make in English

Common Expressions with Do and Make
The following expressions are set collocations (combinations of words that frequently appear together) that you need to learn:

Expressions with DO
The following words are normally used with Do:

1.    a burp
2.    a course
3.    a crossword
4.    a dance
5.    a drawing
6.    a fart
7.    a favor / favour
8.    a job
9.    a painting
10.                       a project
11.                       a service
12.                       an assignment
13.                       anything
14.                       badly
15.                       business
16.                       chores
17.                       damage
18.                       everything
19.                       exercises
20.                       good
21.                       harm
22.                       laundry
23.                       nothing
24.                       research
25.                       right (the right thing)
26.                       something
27.                       the gardening
28.                       the housework
29.                       the ironing
30.                       the dishes
31.                       the rest
32.                       the shopping
33.                       the washing
34.                       well
35.                       work
36.                       wrong (the wrong thing)
37.                       your best
38.                       your hair
39.                       your homework
40.                       your job
41.                       your nails
42.                       your work

Expressions with MAKE
The following words are normally used with MAKE:

1.    a bet
2.    a cake
3.    a call
4.    a change
5.    a choice
6.    a comment
7.    a complaint
8.    a confession
9.    a connection
10.                       a cup of coffee / tea
11.                       a date
12.                       a decision
13.                       a demand
14.                       a difference
15.                       a discovery
16.                       a face
17.                       a fool of yourself
18.                       a fortune
19.                       a friend
20.                       a fuss
21.                       a joke
22.                       a line
23.                       a list
24.                       a living
25.                       a loss
26.                       a mess
27.                       a mistake
28.                       a noise
29.                       a pass at someone
30.                       a plan
31.                       a point
32.                       a prediction
33.                       a profit
34.                       a promise
35.                       a reservation
36.                       a sandwich
37.                       a scene
38.                       a sound
39.                       a speech
40.                       a statement
41.                       a suggestion
42.                       advances
43.                       alterations
44.                       an appointment
45.                       an announcement
46.                       an attempt
47.                       an effort
48.                       an error
49.                       an escape
50.                       an exception
51.                       an excuse
52.                       an impression
53.                       an observation
54.                       an offer
55.                       amends
56.                       arrangements
57.                       breakfast
58.                       certain
59.                       clear
60.                       dinner
61.                       faces
62.                       famous
63.                       fun of someone
64.                       love
65.                       lunch
66.                       inquiries
67.                       peace
68.                       possible
69.                       progress
70.                       money
71.                       room
72.                       sales
73.                       sense
74.                       someone rich
75.                       someone smile
76.                       sure
77.                       trouble
78.                       war
79.                       your bed
80.                       your mind up
81.                       your way


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